Breed of the month Spotlight: Golden Retriever

Golden retriever on path, golden retriever nature, pensive expression

Golden Retrievers, often regarded as the epitome of family dogs, bring boundless joy and companionship to the lives of those fortunate enough to welcome them into their homes. In this blog post, we've gathered insights from passionate Golden Retriever owners who share their experiences and shed light on the unexpected joys and quirks that come with these lovable canines.

Life-changing companionship

“In what unexpected ways has owning a golden retriever changed your life for the better?”

Crowd consensus
: Life-changing companionship, and increased motivation to stay fit!

From completing families to encouraging daily walks and emanating unparalleled love, Golden Retrievers prove to be extraordinary companions. Their soft, soulful eyes and affectionate nature create an unbreakable bond with their human counterparts. Having a canine companion has also provided motivation for many to take daily walks.


“What is one quirk or behaviour you feel is very ‘Golden’?”

Whilst every dog is different - these few highlights and quirks of our golden buddies,

Crowd consensus: 

  • Unwavering loyalty

  • expressive eyes

  • Explorer (fond of zig-zagging on walks!)

  • A love of water 

Golden retriever shakes off water

Life Before and After Goldens

“What is one thing you did before having a golden retriever, that you don't do now?”

Crowd consensus: Eating alone! Enjoying dinner without the watchful eyes seems to be a thing of the past - With a golden, you’ll never be without a dinner date! I think we can all relate on some level, the the Golden’s appreciation for tasty treats, but it’s a good idea to keep food stored in secure containers, away from prying eyes, and curious noses! 

Follow the ‘Golden’ brick road!

“What led you to the decision that a Golden retriever was right for you? What was the number one reason that helped you decide?”

Crowd consensus: ‘Goldens’ are a quintessential family dog, characterized by a playful, loveable and affectionate nature, they are generally gentle dogs with a sweet face and friendly appearance!

Golden retriever sitting in front of tree with red berries and river

Vocal or Quiet Companions?

“Would you say Golden Retrievers are quiet, or vocal/talkative?”

Crowd consensus: Golden retrievers are generally talkative companions! Whilst some only give a single bark on rare occasions, others will express desires for walks, food, or simply to explore through a range of whines, grunts, grumbles and barks.

Dispelling Misconceptions

“Are there any misconceptions about Golden Retrievers that you'd like to dispel based on your own experiences?”

Crowd consensus: Some of the most common misconceptions include - 

  • ‘All Golden retrievers are excessively cuddly” - Whilst this is true for many goldens, each dog is an individual; some may simply prefer to sit on your feet, or watch you lovingly from nearby.

  • ‘Golden owners need to have a massive backyard’ - This is not necessarily true (but can help!). Goldens can be quite energetic and do need regular exercise (of some description) - however, there are many ways that these needs can be met (even without a big backyard). Play dates, walks, trips to the park or beach and dog sports are just some ideas! Training and consistent enrichment activities help create a well-rounded and happy dog! 

happy golden retriever tennis ball, green studio backdrop, golden retriever smiling

Hair, hair, everywhere

Golden retrievers can be heavy shedders - it’s important to be aware that your clothes, floors and furniture are going to fall victim! We asked Golden parents what their best advice was for keeping on top of all that hair!

Crowd consensus:

  • Embrace the golden glitter - no matter how much you vacuum, you will always find more hair! 

  • Incorporate regular brushing into your golden’s daily or weekly routine to prevent the build-up of hair, and stay on top of the shedding! 

  • Pet-friendly vacuum cleaners - (investing in a vacuum that is designed to tackle pet hair (and a lot of it) is a wise idea. 

Lifestyle and Exercise

“In general, do you feel that Golden Retrievers are an active breed? How much exercise does your golden get/need?”

Crowd consensus: Goldens can be an active and energetic breed, but balance between rest and play is important. Most Golden Retrievers thrive on daily walks and enrichment activities. Owners stress the importance of keeping them mentally stimulated to prevent boredom-related behaviours.

Finding friends

“What’s the best way for Golden Retriever owners to find and connect with one another?”

Crowd consensus: 

  • online platforms 

  • local dog play groups/breed clubs

  • approaching fellow Golden owners during walks

Having a community of like-minded people can make pet ownership less lonely and provide reassurance for those who might be facing challenges with their pup or dog. It’s also a great way for both you and your dog to stay connected with others, have fun and stay active. 

5 golden retrievers group photo, green backdrop

Words of wisdom

What's one piece of advice you wish you'd had when you got your first Goldie?

Crowd Consensus:

  • Cherish the love your golden will give you - love each other wholeheartedly and don’t hold back! Anticipate they won’t be here forever, so celebrate them whilst they are here!  

  • Training and play are wonderful ways to strengthen and grow the bond you and your dog share!


Throughout our chats with golden owners, the positive and long-lasting impact these dogs have created for their owners, and their families was plain to see. Owning a Golden Retriever is a journey filled with laughter, the odd challenge, but most of all, a whole lot of love!

Special thanks to the admins and members of “Golden Retriever Play Dates Melbourne” for chatting with me, and helping me create our first breed ‘spotlight’ post, for Breed of the Month February! (‘Golden Retriever’).  


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